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News > Cam Trade Marks at EU conference in Riga

Dr. Roman Cholij of Cam Trade Marks & IP Services participated in a conference in Riga hosted by the Latvian Government, 24-25 February, related to Intellectual Property training across the European Union. The international conference was entitled “Technology Transfer - Title, Profession, System or Action.”

The two day event was the culmination and conclusion of a two year EU Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) Project (“Certified Trans-national TT Manager”) on the needs for a qualification for technology transfer officers that would be recognised across the EU. At present there is little formal training for those involved in technology transfer, involving different aspects of IP licensing. The study has made recommendations for a new pan-EU qualification that will fill this gap.

Roman attended the conference as an accredited trainer for the Licensing Executives Society International. Other members of the Society from the UK and Europe, who have been collaborating with the EU commission on this project, were also present.

The conclusions of the study as well as more information on the conference and its presenters are available at and

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